The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th September at our favourite venue: 30 Euston Square, London. Full details will be published soon, but here's what you can expect
A brilliant group of senior supply chain leaders from across industries, there to find solutions to the current challenges and to share their experience and ideas
Perfect mind-food: special guest speakers to inspire, invigorate, and challenge your current mindset
The easiest natural networking experience you've ever been part of
Fun! Intent meetings are never, ever boring. Because whilst it's important to senior leaders to have perspective and draw in new ideas, nobody likes to be bored by hotel basements or endless powerpoint.
Lovely location, excellent food & drink, great company and lots of useful new contacts.
The theme of the meeting is Next Phase Resilience: as a follow-on on from the key discussion points covered in our March meeting. There, much of the conversation revolved around the next steps that supply chain leaders are taking to protect supply, deal with continuing disruption and cope with changing legislation, restrictions and turbulent demand!
Visit us again soon to find out more, or drop me a line to be kept up to date:
